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Charles Darwin School


Course Overview

Government and Politics is only studied in the Sixth Form as an A Level.  We would expect students who opt for this course to have completed and passed a GCSE in History, although there can be exceptions made to this.   Government and Politics students are expected to have a keen interest in current affairs, a willingness to read a quality newspaper and an enthusiasm to keep themselves fully up to date with what is happening in the news both in this country and in the wider world.   


  • Two written examinations 
  • Topics include: pressure groups, elections and voting, political parties and beliefs, how Parliament works, the role of the PM


  • Two written examinations
  • Topics include: conservatism, socialism, liberalism, nationalism, anarchism, feminism

Why choose Government and Politics? 

  • It is highly regarded by universities (including the elite Russell Group) as a traditional academic A Level
  • It develops analytical and written and verbal communication skills to a high level
  • It develops your understanding of the world around you. This can only be of benefit regardless of your future plans
  • It is relevant subject for a wide range of careers such as law, journalism, business, administration or university courses such as English, political studies, international relations, history, law

 Common Questions 

Q.  Is there a lot of reading needed in the subject?
A.  Politics is a subject in which reading can be an enjoyable challenge  It is not just about reading books on politics, but also reading newspapers and following current events.  

Q.  Is there a lot of essay writing in politics?
A.  An essential ingredient is the ability to organise material and to express oneself effectively.  Good English skills and a wide vocabulary are therefore important.  Politics draws on the same analytical and evaluative skills as subjects such as English, history and sociology.

Useful Links 

BBC Democracy Live
BBC News

Any website or quality newspaper (e.g. The Guardian or the Independent)