Pearsons Active Learn Login Instructions
ActiveLearn Secondary is a digital learning space for teachers and students, with planning, teaching and the allocation of resources to students across language subjects taught as Charles Darwin School.
All pupils in years 7-11 have individual usernames but they have the same password .
Their usernames take the following format: first name and second name with a capital letter but no spaces and they sometimes, but not always have a number straight after their name. It is often 1, but if it is a common name (where there may be several pupils using Active Learn across the country), they may have any number, e.g. EmmaKaye1
Pupils have been given their usernames and passwords for Active Learn in years 8-11 and should have written them in their planners. They can ask their teacher for it and if they are having any issues with it, their languages teachers will be able to help them resolve it. This usually requires the teacher to reset the password.