Pupil Assessment
Pupil Assessment
Years 7,8 and 9
The pupils in these years do not usually sit any public examinations but are regularly assessed throughout the year. The results of three assessments are reported to parents. School examinations in 2023-2024 will be held in the summer 2024.
Years 10 & 11
The pupils in these years are regularly assessed throughout the year. The results of these assessments are reported to parents.
Pupils in year10 will have school examinations during the summer term.
Pupils in year 11 will have Pre-Public Examinations in November and March, and GCSE examinations during the summer months.
Pupils in years 10 & 11 who are on a vocational course, such as BTEC will sit examinations for these as advised by the teaching staff.
Years 12 & 13
The pupils in these years are regularly assessed throughout the year. The results of these assessments are reported to parents. Pupils in year 12 may sit external examinations in June 2024, however as the majority of courses are now two years they will have Pre-Public Examinations in the summer term.
Pupils following vocational courses such as BTEC, Cambridge Technicals and LIBF Financial Studies may sit external exams in January and April as well as during the Summer.
Written summer examinations: the examination boards examination time table for summer 2024 is on Charles Darwin website.
Practical examinations are scheduled in April and May 2024.