Social Disadvantage
We are fully aware of the impact that social disadvantage can have on the achievement of some students. We therefore intend to undertake the following as far as resources allow.
- Ensure that provision for children who enrol with low reading ages is robust, enabling students to make progress with their reading as quickly as possible. We are fully aware that any poor prior reading skill will have an undue impact on children's overall progress so addressing this through intervention and class focus is important.
- We will endeavour to ensure that the LIP group in years 7 and 8 is kept to a small size, thus enabling more targeted 1-1 support for those who need it.
- In core subjects of English and Maths we will endeavour in years 10 and 11 to provide small group support, particularly for those that are from disadvantaged backgrounds to boost their progress.
- Where there are financial hindrances to a disadvantaged pupil’s progress, such as no access to ICT, need of books, revision guides etc we will seek to assist as far as is reasonable.
From time to time we will fund out of school broader educational experiences such as university visits, theatre trips, field trips.